Slay The Struggle, A FREE Live Online 3-Day Challenge Begins 10.28.24!

Awaken Your Life Force Digital Course

Invitations into your greatness from start to forever...

This course is for you if you are ready to be an active participant in the transformation and elevation of your experience here and now.  You will learn the skills in this course to live in the New Earth currency of innate wisdom, health, higher states of energy and frequency and how to transcend the fear and control narrative of the 3D Matrix.

  • Are you ready to draw from a grounded and centered well every single day, no matter how deep the chaos gets around you?
  • Are you ready to be curious about possibilities rather than react to circumstances?
  • Are you ready to reawaken your connection to your ancestors, guides, angels and the divine?
  • Are you ready to unlock and release emotional, karmic and physical trauma from your DNA and cells?
  • Are you ready to embody your root and sacral chakras, connect to your innate nature and unleash your ancient wisdom codes through pelvic bowl exploration and actuation?

Are you ready to be the curator of your experience here and now?
If this feels SO GOOD to you.
If this SPEAKS to your cells.
If you want to hear MORE.

If your answer is a resounding YES...

then you are READY to


You get FOREVER access to replays, bonuses and additional exchanges and material for the life of this course, as well as every yearly LIVE ITERATION of the course in Scorpio season, when we are asked to excavate the wounds,, triggers and core wounds for healing and transformation to move our cells from density to light.

Once you are in the container, you are in FOR LIFE!

This is an investment that keeps on giving year after year because I will continue to build on it and be relentless in your full potential of your divinity, mastery and aligned manifestation...

"The value of this course is pretty unreal. How much my life and energy have shifted over these past few months has been incredible. I feel more accountable for myself then I have ever felt and with that I'm sure you know comes a deep sense of empowerment! I feel so grateful to be adding these teachings to my healing arsenal and going forward in life from this new space is super exciting. You've inspired me to seek out some pelvic bowl healing and body release work in the future. Thank you for all that you're doing, sharing, living, and breathing. I deeply appreciate you and your work."
Yvonne V. 

You won't regret investing in the course with Lori 💫. It's LIFE CHANGING and has fundamental guidance and techniques that are KEY to up-leveling your life and thriving in the new earth that we are all co-creating 🌏. There is NOTHING else like this out there 💛
Jamie C.

Are you ready to draw from a grounded and centered well every single day, no matter how deep the chaos gets around you?

Are you ready to be curious about possibilities rather than react to circumstances?

Are you ready to tap into the creation energy and ancient knowledge your cells hold the master key to?

Are you ready to be the curator of your experience here and now?

If you felt a YES, this is the exact place you are meant to be.  You are ready to invest in your unlimited potential and experience in this human and soul journey.  I can't wait to do this with you!  Let's go.

Module 1 – Intuition, Trust & Empowerment
Intention Setting Ceremony with Cacao Plant Medicine
Tools to Deepen Intuition & Trust
Accessing Consciousness
Meditation Guidance & Breath Work
Magic & Manifestation Talks

Module 2 - Balance, Love & Greatness
Dynamic Motion Embodiment
High Energy Class
At-home habits to embrace
Education for long-term structural health
Mirror Work Workshop
Week 3 - Going Quantum
Cellular Embodiment & Healing
Connecting with our ancestral and support

Explore the art of body unwinding

Module 4 - Activating a Life Force 
Pelvic Floor Awakening!
Self Care Tools & Techniques
Education & Empowerment

Module 5 - Deep Integration & Implementation
Candle Intention Setting
Continuing Pelvic Bowl and Life Force exploration and activation

Pelvic Bowl Life Force Meditation GuidanceWeek 6 - Going Galactic!
Bonus module to the Galactic Center
Meditation Guidance
Relaxed Exchange
There is a workbook guide with each weekly module to download

Module 6 - Bonus 13th Chakra Activation

"This course has challenged me to re-evaluate and question my belief systems, and encouraged me to be open to new ideas.  I looked forward to every class. Lori brings passion and positive energy to each and every class! She supports your personal journey, answering questions and encouraging personal growth!"
Julie S. 

"I really had no idea what to expect, every single topic in the course was new to me. I had NEVER meditated, attended a ritual ceremony, or learned about self care. And what a game changer meditation has been for me. I have had difficulty sleeping for years but especially the last few years. I went to sleep every night with the television on, I needed the background noise to fall asleep and it usually took about 1 1/2 hours for me to unwind enough to get there. Since I started using Lori’s guided meditation I am usually asleep in about 15 minutes! I honestly didn’t think that was possible!"
Jenny C.

"The rituals in the course were my favorite! I love how they can turn your whole day around!  Lori brings so much wisdom and love to the course. It’s easy to feel her dedication to providing an honest and real experience for everyone involved. Her teaching style is easy to vibe with as she mixes up the lecture part of learning with movement, meditation, ritual, and stories from her own experience learning all these techniques."
Amy R.

I bring you over 2 decades of experience as a trauma-informed and intuitive healing artist, meditation guide, pelvic floor therapist and mystical soul seeker of lifetimes.  I have worked with thousands of people to unleash their life force and deepen their human experience instantly.  I have seen immediate life changes and shifts
(jobs, relationships, soul missions & more!)
with pure ease, understanding and empowerment as a re-awakened life force becomes our ultimate guidance system!  
I cannot wait to share these largely untapped embodiment  and ritual practices, tools and techniques that will elevate this wild and raw human ride for you in the biggest, brightest and boldest of ways!


32 Modules

Welcome + An Invitation


Yay!  You're here!  I'm wildly excited to begin this journey with you!  Please make sure to start here with my welcome message, list of pre-requisites to check out before you begin the course for optimal integration of the material and a profound 67-day challenge invitation.  Enjoy this journey and move through it in your perfect time.  Make sure to join the private Facebook Group, Living in Our Life Force, to share your experience and find support and guidance as you move through quantum leaps back into your divinity and majesty and souls calling on this human journey!

Here is the link for the Facebook Group:

Make sure to click on the lesson in this module titled 'Let's do this'.  And let's absolutely DO THIS!

Loving reminder that all course material, downloads and login info are for personal and private use only.  Thank you for upholding my work and small business in high integrity and energy 💫


Module 1

Intuition, Trust & Empowerment - Module 1
Intention Setting Ceremony with Cacao Plant Medicine
Meditation Guidance
Magic & Manifestation Talks
Pendulum Guidance
Muscle Testing

Module 2

Balance, Love & Greatness - Module 2
Dynamic Motion Embodiment
High Energy Class
At-home habits to embrace
Education for long-term structural health
Mirror Work Workshop

Module 3

Going Quantum - Module 3
Cellular Embodiment & Healing
Connecting with our ancestors and cosmic support guides
Explore the art of body unwinding

Module 6

Welcome to Module 6, Going Galactic!  We will be riding our chakra pillar of light up to the Galactic Center, where all consciousness originates.  Continue to practice until you arrive.  It will become available in perfect time for each one of you.  As of Winter Solstice of 2021, we now have the ability to access this, our highest self while in our physical body.  We are tasked to integrate all chakra energy into the physical reality where we rebuild a New Earth in abundance and creation.

What to bring:

  • Cacao or tea
  • Candle
  • Journal
  • Clearing Tool
  • Water

BONUS - Cosmic Consciousness Meditation

This is a beautiful version of the 'Going Quantum' Cosmic Consciousness Meditation that I am sharing as a bonus here in this course!  It is a way to continue to peel back layers of programming to uncover our innate ability to connect with the cosmos, intelligent life and our astral support team.  We are dropping into big abilities to co-create together in our highest good for the manifestation and abundance awaiting us as we leave the linear mind control and open up to possibilities and opportunities everywhere...

BONUS - Healing Light Bubble Manifestation Practice

Here is a quick check in and example of how to practice the healing light bubble manifestation!

BONUS MODULE - Healing Light Bubble Practice Audio Download

BONUS - Transforming Difficult Situations with Empowerment and A Chat About the Meditation Invitation!

YEAR 2 BONUS Kick Off Event! Scorpio Solar Eclipse Cacao Ceremony!

REPLAY, Awaken Your Life Force Module 1, Year 2, 10/25/22

REPLAY, Module 2, Year 2, 11/1/22 Balance, Love & Greatness!

Money Flows Into My Life In Expected and Unexpected Ways... As An Affiliate!

What would it feel like to live in a community of humans that have experienced deep healing of wounds, triggers and stories?

What would it feel like to receive money in ease by sharing things that elevate the lives of your community?

What happens when we bring more healing, tools and wealth into the hands of conscious women??
The entire world changes.

Modules for this offering 32
Investing In ME! Register Here

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 Awaken Your Life Force Digital Course
 $ 475.00 USD

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Credit/Debit Card
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  • All downloads and products are for personal use only.
  • Login access is for single use only.
  • I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
  • Refunds are not available due to the immediate access to all downloadable material.
  • All material and content copyright ©2023 Lori Reising
  • All rights reserved
  • This content may not be copied, replicated or reproduced without explicit written consent from the creator, Lori Reising.

Disclaimer: By using this website and participating in the programs and offers, you understand that Lori Reising is not offering conventional medical advice and/or treatment. You agree to take full responsibility for your personal choices upon participation through critical thought and discernment. Always talk to your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns regarding your physical, mental and emotional well being. All content is copyrighted and protected. Due to the immediate access to programs and offers, there are no refunds.

If you have questions prior to purchasing, please email
We know that you will find immense inspiration and support on this page and in Lori’s offers.


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If the download skips in the beginning, refer to above method.  It works every time.

To transfer the track from your computer to your phone or vice versa, save it in your Icloud files or google drive and open in second device.  You could also email the file to yourself and open it from your email to download it on your second device.  Please only share file with your own devices.  All downloads are for private use only.  Separate purchases are necessary for additional users.  Thank you.  Xo

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