Are you ready to change your life forever?
To completely embrace and embody the most
fulfilling and abundant existence you could ever imagine?
What would that even look like?
If you could dip into that inner well of intuition and knowing and tap into the cellular code holding
the divine message of your soul, what would you find there? What incredible story is residing
within, waiting to be realized?
EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique, is a practice used exactly to retrieve those answers by clearing the old programs, wounds, stories and patterns that reside within to reawaken and harness your heart’s deepest desires and to begin manifesting the most profound visions of yourself through a series of tapping.
This continuous pattern of tapping on specific energetic points serves as a portal for
establishing inner and outer alignment, heightening your frequency, dismantling limiting mind
loops, and calling in everything that you could want for yourself in this one wild and precious life.
Through this process, we move our innermost feelings and desires from deep within our bodies
and begin to manifest them into the external world.
This revolutionary technique helps us access our subconscious holding patterns and imprints,
and to gain clarity and freedom within, resulting in more prosperity and abundance on the
outside. Through consistent daily practice and repetition, you will yield incredible and miraculous
results ✨
But how?
→ Because EFT is the easiest bio-hack for mind loops out there!
In less than 20 minutes a day, from the comfort of your bed, while parked in the grocery store
parking lot, during a sauna session, or while laying under a tree, you can change your life!
Wherever you find yourself, channel into the core of your being and, despite the constant hectic
energy around us and the perpetual feeling of running through life uphill, utilize this practice to
become the most magnificent version of yourself possible.
With this daily commitment, you will change your stream of consciousness, and liberate
your life!
This audio course is for you if you are:
◆ Tired of living in doubt
◆ Struggling with limiting mind loops
◆ Are tired of feeling resistance and fear
◆ Are done sacrificing the life that you want for yourself
◆ Over operating in hectic energy cycles and feeling a sense of lack
Why work with me? Why this course?
Through these practices, I will help you realize the magnificent life that you deserve. No more
dimming your light or shrinking to fit a social construct, devoid of meaning and cloaked in the
doubt that has been reinforced by our culture at every turn.
The scripts for each and every tapping session were channeled with people just like you, who were ready to break through the endless internal loops that continued to come up no matter how hard they tried to move past them.
They, like you, had not yet cleared them at the root... yet! Tapping helps us move quickly to the root through the energy, the mind and the body. The ultimate trifecta for freeing our subconscious body from what our conscious mind cannot access on it's own.
My mission is to help you channel the power of your soul and the magic that you hold within.
Through the transmission of energy in these life changing audio recordings, you will gain the
codes to transform your life and gain the results you’ve always dreamed of:
✅ Embrace life’s limitless possibilities
✅ Transition into an abundance mentality
✅ Embody a life that sustains and fulfills you
✅ Open channels to readily receive your desires
✅ Feel fulfilled, confident, and emanating in alignment
You get this course FOREVER! That's right. Come back over and over until you have opened a new foundation to alchemize a new reality that is waiting and ready to arrive through the new frequency your life will be vibrating from.
So beautiful one, are you ready to say ✨ YES ✨ and invest in yourself?
Because you deserve to liberate your life and become the most Divine creator that you
were put on this earth to be. To manifest everything that you could dream possible for
You are worthy of a life overflowing with love,
Of wholeheartedly embodying self-confidence,
And of living with complete financial freedom!
You could go in search of free online ‘quick fix’ tapping sources and spend a lot of your precious creator energy and time doing it, or you can invest in this channeled and guided transmission with me to collapse time and move the needle in much bigger leaps in your life today!
This audio course includes modules covering:
🌟 Tapping Into Emotional Release
🌟 EFT Practice, Intro and Receiving For Abundance
🌟 EFT Practice, Letting Go Of Control
🌟 EFT Practice, Self-Doubt and Judgement
🌟 EFT Practice, Money
🌟 EFT Practice, Tapping for Confidence
🌟 EFT Practice, Daily Affirmations
Everything you want for yourself is at your fingertips!
It takes courage to face your limiting beliefs and your innermost wants and desires and through
the power of consistently showing up for yourself, feeling what is ready to be healed and trusting that your perfect life is already happening, you will reap the rewards.
→ Free up your time by clearing looping stories and triggers
→ Be the ultimate healer of your life
→ Find centeredness and grounding for clarity
→ Begin investing from belief rather than reacting from fear
→ Become the creator of your life rather than the reactor
→ Call in money, possibilities and new paths with ease
→ No longer feel stuck or lacking
→ Become open to receiving
→ Walk through life with complete self-confidence
→ Eradicate self-judgment and limiting patterns and beliefs
→ Reawaken the reality of experiencing miracles every day
→ Show up for your dream life right here and right now!
The biggest question I have for you is...
Are you ready to start building your life from a solid foundation of love, trust, money, time and freedom?
Then, let’s begin Tapping Into Abundance!
Don't just take my word for it!
Here are real-life testimonials of the power that is offered in Tapping Into Abundance:
“I highly recommend! I learned and gained SO much from Lori’s Tapping into Abundance course. All of the work I’ve done with Lori has been so beneficial to my healing and my growth. She makes it super easy to access everything, so I can keep going back to any specific modality or topic at any time.
Tapping was a new tool for me, and one that I am SO grateful for. Lori’s guidance through these core manifestations and affirmations has been life-altering. And now I have a new skill that I use anywhere, anytime I need it…and I do! Feeing overwhelmed? I’m Tapping. Feeing anxious? I’m Tapping. Feeling like I need a boost? I’m jumping right back into Lori’s guided Tapping Practices! Highly recommend, no matter what stage of your healing and growth you’re at, this is beneficial for you.”
~ Michelle Lee
"Tapping into abundance was life changing for me. I was able to release a lot of stuck energy I didn’t realize I had. I had to go back few times and do the tapping if I felt like the energy wasn’t moving. It helped me heal from my traumas and help me let go of control. I definitely recommend this course for anyone who is ready to release stuck emotions/ energies in their life!!!"
~ Daizy D.
"Tapping into Abundance has been one of the most impactful tools to have in my tool bag! I would (and do) recommend this to anyone who is interested in the power of healing the internal struggles and limiting beliefs that hold us back.
The course is easy to navigate as each session is labeled and lets you know exactly what you’ll be tapping through.
For myself, I go back to the money tapping in times where I feel scarcity and it lifts that heavy energy like magic!
In whatever experience or limiting belief you are moving through, Lori has a session tailored for you. All you have to do is click play. So grateful for this course and for Lori!!!!"
~ Lacey B.
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