Slay The Struggle, A FREE Live Online 3-Day Challenge Begins 10.28.24!

Soul Biz Streamlined LIVE Digital Course

Join Lori Reising
Embark on a new journey and declaration in your sacred and innate medicine that is ready to be unleashed in the world!

2 Optional Support UPGRADES
Bonus Practices for a holistic shift to a 5D biz reality

Time for a New Earth Business Boom!

What is a Soul Biz?

→ Your innate medicine, the thing that you came here to unlock in your unique souls path and journey, the skills/knowledge/truth that pulsates through your cells and definitive knowingness, the transmission that excites your soul and LIGHTS YOU UP.

Why now?

→ Human evolution is underway.  We have more energetic, planetary and elemental support than we have ever known...when we tap in and embody.  It's a co-creation always.  Nothing will ever interfere on your behalf.  All things will in fact support and guide upon your request (and belief, but that's to come inside the course).

Bottom line...

→ New Earth is coming.  How fast and deeply it lands is up to us.  Do you want to keep doing business from scarcity, sensationalism and stress?  Do you want to do business from abundance, trust and ease?  We choose.  Each and every one of us.  The more of us that choose the latter, the easier it becomes to feel it, live it and scale from it.

The result

→ WE NEED YOUR INNATE MEDICINE and your innate medicine needs you to.
→ We came here to feel ALIVE and activated in every area of our life and not just on the weekends or on vacation.
→ We arrived with all the tools to unlock our full potential and light and this is our moment to declare it.

 5 Weekly Live Modules

Self-led pre-recorded modules for easy access that fits your schedule!


7-Day Wake + Activate Challenge Invitation!
67-Day Meditation Challenge Invitation!
BONUS surprise audio practice delivered at the completion of the full 67-day course
BONUS breath work practices
BONUS light work audio practice
BONUS support talks


Optional Upgrades For Maximum and Ongoing Support

→ Astrology & Akashic Records Business Reading

→ Voxer Coaching for 4-Weeks Post-Core Curriculum Container Experience


♦ This is the LIVE course that will activate your passion, belief, skills, clarity and execution in unleashing your New Earth Soul Biz for good.  No more doubt.  No more guessing.  No more time wasted on piecing it all together.  No more one foot in and one foot out scarcity "just in case" living. ♦


⇒How would it feel to know that just by participating, receiving and implementing, you will upgrade your experience here and now?⇐


I'm talking about →

Star Codes - Mindset Transformation  - 3D Tech & Systems - Implementation - Dismantling Cultural Conditioning  - Astrology - Visualization - Embodiment - Intuitive Guidance - Nervous System Attunement - Higher Technology - Care-Based Marketing - Heart-Led Offers - Launching Leverage - Divine Feminine & Sacred Masculine Power - Simplify For Strength - Pelvic Bowl Power - Inspired & Aligned Action - Light Empowerment - Manifestation Embodiment - Entrepreneur Foundations
Channeled Guidance and Live Support

Disrupting Business As Usual

This framework and experience is for you if...

💎 You didn't come here to compare or compete.  You came here to SHINE.

💎 You know that only you can share your expertise, your passion, your souls work in the way that YOU do.

💎 You know that when the marketing and business experts tell you to niche down, speak to your ICA, stick with one offer, push harder, that you can have 10k in 10 days if you just do what they did, it doesn't feel good.  There is something off.

💎 You spend so much time creating and sharing on social media to crickets and then the frustration kicks in, then the resentment rears its ugly head and then you are left feeling stuck and hopeless.

💎 You know that when business is sacred, fun and aligned things become easeful and flowing.

💎 You are ready to immerse yourself in a group energy of support, excitement and elevated frequency for success.

💎 You're not ready to make a big $$$ investment in a business course, but you are ready to step in, invest comfortably and do 👏🏼 the 👏🏼 work👏🏼.

💎 When you are not producing, you are fretting.

💎 You can't seem to get out of the hustle and grind mode or scarcity fear loop when it comes to your heart-led business.

💎 You are tired of piecing every part of your business together from a bunch of different sources.

💎 You find yourself on the edge of burnout or burn it all down often.

💎 You are ready for the New Earth school of personal transformation within the business world for best practices and root results.

💎 You thrive in a live container, while enjoying the access to replays forever.

💎 You are ready to implement holistic and intentional tools to build and grow your audience and essentially your impact.

💎 You know that it doesn't have to be stressful and you are ready to overhaul that narrative.

💎 You need a reboot, a refresh, a galactic reminder not only that you can create the life and reality you came to live and share, but that you are DOING IT.

💎 You've worked with me before and you know that you are about to embark on a big shift by saying YES to this experience and that it might not (won't) be what you were expecting because it will be so much more!

What it looks like, the deets →



Immediate Access -
BONUS 67-day am/pm meditation invitation -
Just push play, seriously, that's it, that is how we begin and that is it.  Just give me your yes, create the 30-minutes in the morning, the 30-minutes at night and experience with your open heart, your receptivity and full sensory system.  Trust that this is an intentionally curated part of this course's holistic upgrade and will contribute to expansion in all areas of your life by shifting your default conditioning and limiting beliefs.

BONUS 7-day Wake + Activate Embodiment Mat Sessions 
(Replay access same day)

OPTIONAL 4-week Voxer group coaching support UPGRADE
Jump in to collapse timelines and move your soul business from maybe into mastery.

OPTIONAL Personal Astrology & Akashic Records Business Reading UPGRADE
To be scheduled within 2 months of the last date of the core live modules.

BONUS surprise audio embodiment practice delivered at the completion of the course
For real completion on day 67 of the meditation invitation because I am committing to your upgrade through this experience and I am all about building on that!

Replays available forever!

 Are your cells perking UP!?!?  Jump in, declare your YES and get excited for what is about to go down in big energy and physicality.  YOU DIDN'T COME TO PLAY SMALL. 

So let's get to it. 💯


25 Modules

67-Day Meditation Invitation - Morning Practice Meditation

Click on the lesson in this module to download the Affirmations For Alignment and Abundance.  

This will be your morning practice for the 67-day invitation!  Wake up and be in your infinite light! ✨

©2023 Lori Reising
All Rights Reserved
This track is the sole property of Lori Reising and may not be replicated or duplicated without explicit written consent from Lori Reising. ✨

67-Day Meditation Invitation - Evening Practice Meditation

This module includes the download for the evening practice of the 67-Day Meditation Invitation. 

Click on the lesson to access the Manifestation And Magnetization Meditation.

©2023 Lori Reising
All Rights Reserved
This track is the sole property of Lori Reising and may not be replicated or duplicated without explicit written consent from Lori Reising. ✨

Book Recommendations! 🔆

Click on the lesson in this module for a comprehensive reading list!

Every one is linked for easy access.

Let me know if any are already at the top of your must-have list or how they land after you've dove in! 🔆

Equipment Recommendations! 🔆

Click on the lesson in this module to see my recommendations for equipment to uplevel your sound and production in your soul biz!

Click each link to purchase through Amazon.

Audio Support, Ya But is Officially Cancelled Podcast

Audio Support, Unplug In Power Podcast

Healing Light Bubble Audio Guidance

Click on the lesson to access a practice in our New Earth currency of light and energy.  Use this practice often and normalize it in your experience for the guidance of a soft nervous system and living from your full power. ✨

©2023 Lori Reising
All Rights Reserved
This track is the sole property of Lori Reising and may not be replicated or duplicated without explicit written consent from Lori Reising.✨

Canva Tutorial

BONUS TALK! When My Partner's Mindset Is Trying To Kill My Vibe 😳

Welcome to a bonus talk all about the comment that came up in our money mindset talk about how to maintain the frequency of expansion and flow when your partner is emanating out doubt and fear!

Click on the lesson above to dive in!

REPLAY, Soul Biz Streamlined, MODULE 1 and PDF Download

In module 1, we create the space to open an intentional circle together, invite divine guidance to join us and set our intentions as we move forward in expansion together. Oh and we start it off with some FUN! 🔆

What is your soul biz?

Business is holistic

Creative sparks

Mindsets - Money and Time

Embodiment integration

Click on the lesson above to DIVE IN to the replay! 💯

REPLAY, Soul Biz Streamlined MODULE 2 and PDF download

REPLAY, Soul Biz Streamlined, MODULE 3 and PDF Download

Go the the lesson for the video replay, the PDF download and the writing homework to submit by module 4 for the opportunity at being featured on my blog!

REPLAY, Soul Biz Streamlined Module 4 and PDF Download

REPLAY, Soul Biz Streamlined Module 5 and PDF Download

REPLAY, 7-Day Wake + Activate Invitation, Day 1!

Click on the lesson to start with day 1 of the Wake + Activate 7-Day Invitation!  Let's drop in and create from the majesty that is our nature!

REPLAY, 7-Day Wake + Activate Invitation, Day 2!

REPLAY, 7-Day Wake + Activate Invitation, Day 3!

Click on the lesson above to keep going with your daily intentional practice!  We are dropping into deeper heart activation today. 💛

REPLAY, 7-Day Wake + Activate Invitation, Day 4!

REPLAY, 7-Day Wake + Activate Invitation, Day 5!

REPLAY, 7-Day Wake + Activate Invitation, Day 6!

REPLAY, 7-Day Wake + Activate Invitation, Day 7!

Money Flows Into My Life In Expected and Unexpected Ways... As An Affiliate!

What would it feel like to live in a community of humans that have experienced deep healing of wounds, triggers and stories?

What would it feel like to receive money in ease by sharing things that elevate the lives of your community?

What happens when we bring more healing, tools and wealth into the hands of conscious women??
The entire world changes.

Modules for this offering 25
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Payment Options

 Soul Biz Streamlined Course ✔️
 $ 597.00 USD
 Soul Biz Streamlined + Astrology For Business Personal Reading UPGRADE
 $ 747.00 USD
 Soul Biz Streamlined + 4 Weeks Voxer Coaching UPGRADE
 $ 1,596.00 USD
 Astrology For Business Personal Reading
 $ 275.00 USD
 4-Weeks of Voxer Business Coaching
 $ 999.00 USD

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Credit/Debit Card
No payment method needed.

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  • All downloads and products are for personal use only.
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  • I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy by checking this box and purchasing the content.
  • Refunds are not available due to the immediate access to all downloadable material.
  • All material and content copyright ©2024 Lori Reising
  • All rights reserved
  • This content may not be copied, replicated or reproduced without explicit written consent from the creator, Lori Reising.

Disclaimer: By using this website and participating in the programs and offers, you understand that Lori Reising is not offering conventional medical advice and/or treatment. You agree to take full responsibility for your personal choices upon participation through critical thought and discernment. Always talk to your healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns regarding your physical, mental and emotional well being. All content is copyrighted and protected. Due to the immediate access to programs and offers, there are no refunds.

If you have questions prior to purchasing, please email
We know that you will find immense inspiration and support on this page and in Lori’s offers.


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If the download skips in the beginning, refer to above method.  It works every time.

To transfer the track from your computer to your phone or vice versa, save it in your Icloud files or google drive and open in second device.  You could also email the file to yourself and open it from your email to download it on your second device.  Please only share file with your own devices.  All downloads are for private use only.  Separate purchases are necessary for additional users.  Thank you.  Xo

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